Hi, 10 years ago I started to have problems sleeping, my feet hurt all the time and my periods became so heavy that I was treated for anemia. Looking back I was perimenopausal and had no idea. My menopause journey started in a local pharmacy one morning, where I was asked " how are you , I burst in tears. I was so physically tired and mentally exhausted that a simple kindness pushed me over edge. I explained how I was feeling and the pharmacist said" maybe you're perimenopausal".
Over the last 5 years I've struggled to find free evidence based information about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Supplements, Testing and much more. So I decided to create Menopause Canada and share what I have discovered

Anxious, brain fog, tired all the time, angry, forgetful, dizzyness, cant cope ?
Bloating, intolerances, nausea

Check for your symptoms?
Click here for a complete list
Vaginal dryness, urinary leaking, up at night to pee, irregular periods

Sore and achy joints, cant exercise

Ringing in ears, dry mouth, bleeding gums, watery eyes

Palpitations, lack of energy

Dry, itchy skin, wrinkles, dry eyes, new allergies